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Davidson FHN, Major General

Davidson FHN, Major General

Major General Davison was instrumental in recognising the need for an Intelligence Corps in the Modern Army. He laboured long and hard from 1940 until 1957, and despite many setbacks and rebuffs his determination won through in the end, as can be seen in the efficient Intelligence Corps of today. Field Marshal Sir Gerald Templer, KG, GCB, GCMG, KBE, DSO, DCL, in his speech when he opened the Corps Museum on 18th July 1970, paid tribute to this determination:
‘I think the name of General Davidson should be perpetuated in the annals of the Corps in letters of gold. I know, more than most, how hard General Davidson had fought for the Corps in those difficult days by trying to get it established as a regular unit of the Army.

During his eight years as Colonel Commandant he travelled far and wide to meet all officers and soldiers of the Corps. He inspired all with his tenacity and fighting spirit and will be remembered for his call ‘Onwards and Upwards – you are a great Corps so continue to keep it that way and show the Army the lead’.

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