Our Mission
The Military Intelligence Museum exists to collect, conserve, record, interpret and make otherwise accessible - for public benefit - artefacts, documents and other material relating to the Intelligence Corps and wider military intelligence activity.
The MIM collects and preserves material relating to the gathering, analysing and dissemination of military intelligence, and the Intelligence Corps in particular. Material relating to the subsumed collections, listed below, is also collected, preserved and is held in the museum, archive and store alongside the main Intelligence Corps collection.
The Y Service at Chicksands Incorporating the historical use of the site during World War Two and the immediate aftermath.
The “Fighting Chicks” collection artefacts and archives from the occupation of the Chicksands site by the United States Air Force 1950 to 1996.
The BRIXMIS Collection. Significant elements of the collection of artefacts, film, photographs and archive material from the British Mission in East Germany. This is a collection of Cold War reconnaissance and intelligence gathering material.
Additionally, the museum houses the Medmenham Collection display (its archives are held in RAF Wyton). This wonderful collection covers the history of military aerial photographic interpretation (PI) and imagery analysis (IA) from its beginnings, through World Wars One and Two, up to the present day. Subject to continuing agreement with the Trustees of the Medmenham Collection, the display provides a crucial contribution to the heritage of military intelligence.
The museum is committed to making access to the collection as wide ranging as possible. However, access needs will be balanced with the conservation, care and security needs of the collection in order that they are effectively preserved for posterity.
The Museum will enable a connection between the past, present and future for the benefit of the Army and the Nation. The Museum has as its objectives:
‘Sharing the Secret’ of military intelligence with a wider audience.
Maintaining and enhancing the Army and the military intelligence community’s connection with society, communities, local, regional and national bodies and opinion formers.
Supporting the Intelligence Corps in providing a sense of belonging and ethos for members of the Intelligence Corps, serving and retired, their heirs and successors.
Providing a focal point and a source of pride and collective memory for personnel related to the Specialist Collections held in the Museum and wider UK military intelligence activity.
Providing the public with an enjoyable and unique experience, at convenient times, seeking and responding to their feedback.
Contributing to the education of children and adults, including educational outreach and support to the national curriculum and lifelong learning, in order to make new generations aware of the Army, the Intelligence Corps, the military intelligence community and their achievements.
To educate and inspire the current and future generations of service personnel in order to motivate them for their task in operational environments.
Assisting the Army and the Nation with the preservation of part of the country’s military heritage.
Providing an academic research resource to promote military scholarship.
Providing a resource to assist with family history research.
Making a heritage contribution, directly and indirectly, to people considering an Intelligence and Security career in the military and broader defence environment.
Remaining a recognised accredited museum with effective Acquisition and Disposal policies, operating collaboratively and professionally with other military and civilian museums and their staffs.